My Biggest Rival

Bachanalian! No, a teetotaller...
Sleep (yawn) ! How can you even think of it?
Signals from the brain, very confusing.. What to do, and which one to listen to - a great problem.
After 5 large pegs of a drink, when one is at the limits of expressing control over their senses - it stares you straight in the eye. You say, "I'm sotally tober", and with good intentions. There is this signal from the brain which says that you are just fine. There is this sense of closeness you have never had with yourself. But then again, the rest of it just does not go together. Hands flailing, head tilting...The brain sends conflicting signals to different places...Why? Is it that there are two of a person? The one who wants to slug it out, and the one who wants to give in to the intoxication....
You see familiar face walking on the road. It could be an acquantaince you knew 15 years ago. Your eyes lock. The moment of truth comes, "Do I know him? He sure looks familiar". You feel like you should say 'Hi'. But, then, something makes you stop. The thought that what if he isn't the one I think he is, and if I make a fool of myself by apparently shouting out to nobody. And while you are lookingat the person, there is this huge fight going on in your mind on whether you should talk or not. Talk? Or Not? The moment passes, and you go your way. But then, you feel, maybe it would have been worth the while to test whether you knew him or not. Point is...Again, there are two of a person inside one...
The fight is always on - big or small. The beauty is, how one person inside you manages to convince the other. How the rationalization is done to quell the other momentarily. If things work out, fine...but if they don't, the other one comes back at you, and with vengeance!
As I was pondering on what to write, I started writing five times, each time to be pulled back by myself. And as the fights go on, it's Me versus me, Rivals for Life!
N.B. This post started on the 7th, but was delayed due to the above mentioned reasons :)
haha.. very succintly put... i like :)