The Dark One

There's water everywhere, and my lips are parched. I am on the courtyard of a locked house, miles from civilization. The sun is out, it's hot. It's scorching hot. I want to take that sip, but resist the urge. I want to go right to the limit, so that when I do drink the water, I feel heaven. I keep myself in at the sun, though I could have moved if I wanted to. I feel myself fainting. I could have kept the doors unlocked; I could have told someone I was here. As I look back, there are so many things that I could have done, but as I faint, I can only think of the water less than two feet from my hands. I am so weak that I can't reach it anymore, and as darkness comes upon me, I only think of what could have been. Suddenly the desperation disappears, all dimensions including time seem to be spiralling. I only think of what could have been...


  1. Good one. The ending could have been better though. for e.g. you can remove this line "Suddenly the desperation disappears" and keep the rest. that would give a good flow yet keep the same intention.

  2. dats y they say "CONSERVE (useful)WATER"....r u pointing out "THE LAW OF DIMINISHING MARGINAL UTILITY REVERSED" s in drink when u r really thirsty to get the maximum satisfaction or the harms of being locked inside a house or a real need of Vitamin tablets n energy drinks coz u don hav the strength to reach out n hav water?.....cmon Original Dev-D enlighten me.....lolzzzzzz
    All serious things apart,a good piece of writing ,shows a high degree of imagination wid a beautiful writin style...clarity of wat u want to say is an issue but at the same time its the beauty of the entire write-up..........gud work dude...keep goin,keep bloggin n keep DEV-Ding....

  3. I like this one particularly! Engrossing piece of writing. Had you been in Gurgaon, the rains would have saved you :P

  4. @all- Thanks.
    @Kolor - Didn't want it to have a sad ending for this post!
    @ The Illuminator - Rains 150km to the East over here. Should be on their way soon ;)


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