
They say that it takes two to tango. Maybe that’s what they feel when they send these letters. Fanatics, all they care about is spreading the cheer. Only, whats cheer for them is something which makes a normal human being shudder. They say they do it for no fame, or money – yet they reside in the richest of countries with the most pompous display of wealth you could imagine. They say no to all temptations, yet every act of theirs is more graphic than the previous. They claim to do it for a benefit to man and his kind, yet they end up destroying what is most precious to him – his peace and his life. A recent threat sent by these so called upholders of humanity challenged authorities to stop a certain airport from blowing. There are two things these self-proclaimed world cleansers are capable of – hypocrisy and destruction. They feel that having been subjugated for centuries, it is time to bring about a status quo – but for what? These misinformed people feel that if they induce fear, and try to incorporate a sense of having the whole world either as their own or under their feet; they would have achieved their mission in life. The last time such a thing was even remotely tried - it led to the biggest war in the history of mankind. Times have changed – though even now when I step out of my home, I am not sure whether the world will be the same when I come back. Back then, it was my great-grandfather who used to feel that. It is all the same. I believe that we have just come around a full circle.

This got me thinking- what exactly goes through the mind of an earth-cleanser just a minute before he explodes along with the world around him. Has he been so convincingly whitewashed that he does not realize that his mother, his brother might be out there somewhere. Does he feel regret, remorse, pity, or maybe last minute nerves? All movies made on the subject have shown last minute nerves – I guess this is the time when the whitewash becomes slightly faded, the enormity of what they are about to do strikes them – but it is too late to pull out. I also wonder when our fellow human realized that he had the right to take the lives of all around him. Oh, of course! His counselor convinced him. But then, don’t they say that it is wrong to do so. They do, (of course with a convenient rider that only as long as you are NOT being attacked or provoked). So, what did the stock broker on WTC on September 11, 2001 do to provoke Mr. X to kill him. Or for that matter, what did the peanut seller at VT Terminus do?



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