Moments Worth Dying for

When we talk of the above expression, a quick analysis gives us the following result : The marginal benefit offered by a moment, is far greater than the perceived benefits accrued over the remaining life of a person. But this brings us to the inherent paradox in the phrase - Once you die (and assuming a materialistic world, where the karma and birth cycles are non-existent) you do not enjoy the benefits of the moment, however great it is.

What that means is, that the moment brings with it a great risk - if you die because of it, the remaining life will not consist of any such moments (because you're plain and simple, dead!) But, on the other hand, it is a moment worth living for - then you gain the benefit of having these moments again and again in life - in fact, every day; or rather every moment.

So, whether it is the fear of the fall, when the tripods come off the bicycle for the first time; whether it is those fifteen minutes outside the interview room of your dream job; whether that first moment when you jump into water not knowing how deep it is; the trepidation before trying out a new dish; or the bated breath after you propose to this beautiful girl, and wait for an answer; the dread as a junior in college - waiting for your turn to get ragged (just stretch your imagination, and you'll get your personal examples) - when you collect your thoughts - this is what you do remember and this is what makes life living for. After all, if you look at life, what is it that makes it a life? Memories. Shaped by our experiences. Not just the big ones - they are to be showcased on your mantle, and for giving your detractors a tight slap in their face (but ultimately that is it). As an example, you don't remember the degree (which is what you frame and show the formal visitors at a tea party), you remember that ONE exam, which caused you to not sleep for one night - but for that night - THAT was the ONLY thing that mattered (which is what you talk about with your friends, girlfriend, children, and grandchildren!).

It's these little moments of dread, anxiety, and fear which make the following moments worth remembering. The YES! moment, because of the delay becomes the YESSSSSSSSS!!! (with a fist pump) moment. That's the beautiful paradox of life. Small is Big, and the Big is Small.


  1. This is one of my most favorite posts from your blog, simply because; it touched both: My mind & heart at the same time...




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